Guerrilla Gardening with Devon

Planting flowers in ditches throughout London is something that I've been doing for many years!  Each year, when I'm giving my own flower gardens their spring cleanup, I end up digging out the flowers that have spread out too much.  I then use the dug up flowers to decorate ditches in the area.

Many of you will remember this photo and the link that tells the story of this fun guerrilla gardening adventure...

Last week, I was in my gardens, giving them their annual spring clean.  One of my gardens hadn't been kept under control for several years, so this year it got a major clean up.  I was growing the same orange day lilies that are talked about in the story link, above.  I ended up with a rather large supply of these lilies and since I didn't want them to go to waste, I decided to take Devon with me to do another guerrilla gardening adventure.

I filled up all the water bottles that I could find in our cupboards, filled a bag full of day lilies, got the shovel ready, got Devon and the bike ready and soon we began our adventure.

While we were riding to the location I had selected for these flowers, we talked about all the trees that are now in bloom and we remarked on how beautiful this time of year is.

I chose this site for a few reasons.  1 - I can see that this hillside doesn't get mowed by city grounds crews during the year, so our flowers should be safe.  2- From what I see, mostly long grasses grow here, so our flowers should not get dominated by other kinds of weeds    3 - I imagine all the people walking up and down these stairs commenting on these flowers, once they have bloomed.

After we dug our holes and planted our flowers, we gave them all a good drink of water.  It was great that last evening, we had a gentle rain throughout the city, so this helped, as well.

We planted 4 holes of day lilies on both sides of this staircase, near the bottom.  Maybe next spring, we'll have a few more to add.  Wouldn't it be nice to see flowers along the entire staircase?  I think so, too!!!!!

Since Devon was such a great helper, I decided that it would be fun if we stopped off at a playground on our way home! 

Be inspired to realize how easy it is to add a little bit of beauty to our world... and then get busy!!!!


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